29 Mar 2012

The electronic panopticon...privacy and our lives online, part one

Bugger off!  That's pretty much my first impulse after having delved into the world of social media, data collection and privacy.  That and a driving desire to to close down my social media accounts, shut-off the computer, turn out the lights, lock the door and vow Never To Go Online Again.  I've officially given myself the the creeps.  Smidge over-reactive perhaps?

So what is the deal with privacy and our lives online?  Do we electronically reveal all, glance coyly above our delicate fans or don the modesty jacket over that strappy sundress, otherwise Great Aunt Harriett will never let up throughout Sunday lunch on Standards Today.

18 Mar 2012

Whereupon one ponders the whole social media palavar and throws in a spot of feminism for good measure...

We are gathered here today. Well actually I'm not sure if we're gathered at all. That's the funny thing about social media. We're so 'empowered' to express ourselves 'online', with the cornucopia of technologies, platforms, software, gadgets, PDAs, websites.....whosywhatsits, thingummybobs, whatsitsfaces, it does become a blur but I digress. 

Basically, this stuff is so heralded and we're so encouraged to go for it, you're still left wondering, is anyone home? Who's reading this? Is it having an impact? And I hate to go all economics on your proverbial, but there's another crucial question. Who gets access? Who gets coverage? Can everyone afford it? And how is this decided?